Introductory event for business service centre managers

The Investmentor Agency is constantly working on making new investors choose the city of Pécs. Our goal is to increase the attractiveness of the city for young people by creating new jobs and thus stimulate the local economy and to improve the living standards of the people living here. As a result of a new collaboration on May 30, the Investmentor Agency organized a conference at the Knowledge Centre with the help of the city council and the HOA (Hungarian Service & Outsourcing Association) for representatives of the SSC sector.
The forum was attended by representatives of the University of Pécs, the HIPA (Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency), Jobcapital, and Viessmann. The goal of Thursday afternoon’s program was to raise awareness among the SSCs (shared service centres). In his welcome speech István Decsi pointed out that the primary goal of Pécs is to revive the economy. Thanks to the city’s good-quality workforce reserves, Pécs has been selected by several international service centres, so it remains a strategically important sector for the city.
László Perényi, HOA board member welcomed the initiative of Pécs in his speech. The association actively supports rural cities in the competition for service centres.
Péter Merza, CEO of the Urban Development Company of Pécs emphasized in his presentation, that in addition to a well-educated multilingual workforce, the city would like to support the settlements of newer SSC companies through infrastructure development. In his presentation he detailed the plans for the development of the former Youth House, which will allow Pécs to lease another modern downtown office from the summer of 2020 to companies who are interested.
David Lente, representative of HIPA, welcomed the office development plans in Pécs because, in his experience, it is very important for most of the SSC investors to be able to move into an existing office within a relatively short period of time.
Mihály Egyed, COO of Jobcapital, presented the job market situation of Pécs to the inquiring parties. From his presentation we learned that the number of qualified free workforce is one of the biggest competitive advantages of Pécs over other cities.
The forum was made interactive by a roundtable with the leaders of the faculties of the University of Pécs (PTE). The experts from the university demonstrated the institution’s commitment to work with companies through numerous examples. Speakers included several executives in the SSC sector, giving the deans an insight into the selection criteria used by the international service sector in recruiting.
At the event, the service centres already established in Pécs were able to share their good experiences with the city, city management and local partner companies.
The public and private players of the city of Pécs are working together for companies willing to invest in their city. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our company.
Investmentor Agency
It’s business time!